Motherhood isn’t just a role, it’s a destiny that starts the moment your heart, without warning, connects with another heart—usually a tiny beating heart that flutters in your stomach.
For mothers who begin this destiny in-utero, your heart sings a different tune towards this unknown being slowing invading your internals. For most, it’s a happy tune, an indescribable happiness mixed with mild anxiety over the safety of this invader. Day after day, week and after week, you begin to realize that it’s your destiny to provide a safe haven for this foreigner until its arrival into this cruel world.
For mothers who begin this destiny ex-utero, you’re equally preparing for a role unlike any other. Your heart sings differently than ever before, a mixture of happiness and anxiety over acceptance, connection and so much more.
There’s a constant silent question in the back of every mother’s head: do I have what it takes to raise this individual? This isn’t a question of financial competencies, though that too is important. This question is at the very core, a question of fulfilling her destiny of Motherhood.
Motherhood isn’t just about breastfeeding/formula feeding, bathing, changing diapers, cooking meals, driving to soccer, ballet, gymnastics, after-class activities, wiping tears, mending wounds, buying clothes and shoes, checking on them at night, becoming the tooth fairy, hugging away nightmares, settling arguments, driving to the hospital, grocery shopping, deciphering changes in mood, administering medications, conducting counseling sessions, providing unsolicited yet necessary advices, praying continuously for their safety, enduring years of sleepless nights, completing homework, advocating! advocating!! advocating!!!, and the endless list of tasks!
Motherhood is so much more than these! At it’s core, Motherhood is a total surrender of your heart, body, spirit and mind for the complete development of the child(ren) you’ve been entrusted with. Simply put, the moment you recognize yourself as a mother, subconsciously, you’re instantly thrust into a realm that’s no longer just about you. Suddenly, your heart becomes attached to their heart, pumping not only for you, but for them. Your mind reasons a thousand times over on a single decision that concerns them. Now imagine the thousand other decisions you’ve got to make on their behalf! Your body, despite exhaustion feels compelled to go ten extra miles for them.
The only destiny set above Motherhood is Christhood!
So, to all Mothers, I celebrate you today, tomorrow and till eternity! When you accepted this destiny, you accepted a partnership with the Maker of all things! You accepted the highest role in humanity. A role for which you’re not often appreciated. It can be frustrating! But don’t forget that the highest form of reward you can ever receive is watching the once tiny invader become a giant in his or her own right! No amount of financial reward beats that!
Therefore, I want to encourage to keep breastfeeding/formula feeding, bathing, changing diapers, cooking meals, driving to soccer, ballet, gymnastics, after-class activities, wiping tears, mending wounds, buying clothes and shoes, checking on them at night, becoming the tooth fairy, hugging away nightmares, settling arguments, driving to the hospital, grocery shopping, deciphering changes in mood, administering medications, conducting counseling sessions, providing unsolicited yet necessary advices, praying continuously for their safety, enduring years of sleepless nights, completing homework, advocating! advocating!! advocating!!! For your ultimate reward awaits you not in this life only, but for many generations and for eternity!
Happiest of Mother’s Day Celebration to You!