Raid The Piggy Bank

The other day my older daughter insisted that she wanted to open her piggy bank to count the coins she's been saving from when she was a toddler. The adorable pink porcelain pig has been siting in her room for more than seven years with a daily deposit of coins and each time she made the deposit, I reminded her that she was learning a vital financial lesson: saving for the rainy day. 
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Raise your hand if you're a mom and you're exhausted from the following: Distant Learning with children? Having the children at home all day (I love them but…)? Having children at home all day practically screaming “I’m hungry mommy” every 15 minutes?Working , cleaning the house, and cooking more?
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My Houseplants Are My Other Children

I've been an avid houseplanter for about three years and its the best decision I could have made. Prior to "birthing" my plants, I couldn't for the life of me, keep a flower vase alive for more than a week.
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